If you are an owner operator, trucking company or a freight forwarder, in order to get paid without delay, you will need to produce the following:

1. Signed confirmation rate sheet

2. Signed Bill of Lading

3. Your invoice

Some companies will accept documentation electronically while others will request the original documents.

  • The invoice should include the same high level detail as the rate confirmation sheet. The invoice is your demand for payment. Make sure it is complete and correct.
  • Check and double-check your invoice before you send it. Make sure details and amounts agree with the rate confirmation sheet.
  • Clearly note any accessorial charges in your invoice and make sure you enclose the receipts.
  • The original signed Bill of Lading is very valuable. If you send the original for payment, make sure you have copied or scanned it (preferably in color) for your records.
  • Make sure the Bill of Lading is signed and indicates the times. This is the proof that your Company actually delivered, and delivered on time. By doing this correctly, nobody else can claim your load or say that you were late.
  • If you are an owner operator or trucking company, make sure to read all the fine print on the rate confirmation sheet before you agree to anything. Make sure your invoice also agrees with that fine print.
  • Always run a credit check on new customers.

Good luck!

Salvador Bañuelos

Sal is known internationally for the debt collection results he has provided to the freight transportation and import/export industries worldwide for the last 15 years. Author of "Credit and Collections in the Freight Industry Handbook" & "Credit & Collections Policy – Practical Guide”. He contributes to the industry with articles in the following leading magazines: T21 and Enfasis Logistica Contact him:  E-mail ,  Twitter ,  facebook,  Linkedin.com

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